Union of International Democrats

UID is a organization of people of Turkish origin abroad

It supports social and cultural development and activities in the relevant country.

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Türk Vatandaşlığını Yeniden Kazanma Fırsatı! 🇹🇷

Haziran 2024’te yürürlüğe giren Yeni Vatandaşlık Kanunu, artık Almanya vatandaşlığınızı kaybetmeden Türk vatandaşlığını yeniden kazanma başvurusu yapmanıza olanak tanıyor! 🎉

📌 Almanya vatandaşlığınızı koruyarak Türk…


Pazar akşamı @oguzhanerkmen ’in sunduğu Avrupa Arenası programında @KanalAvrupaTv ’ya konuk olduk.

Programda Suriye ziyaretimiz başta olmak üzere Uluslararası Demokratlar Birliğinin 20 yıllık geçmişi, hayata geçirilen faaliyetler, planlanan projeler, gençlere yönelik…

📍UID Genel Merkez

Genel Başkanımız Kenan Hasan Aslan’ın başkanlığında dönemin 5. MKYK toplantısını gerçekleştirdik.

Toplantıda, yurt dışında yaşayan Türk toplumuna yönelik yürütülen çalışmalar detaylı şekilde değerlendirildi ve birimlerin faaliyetleri üzerine verimli bir…



Our Mission

Founded in 2004 in Cologne under the name of UETD – Union of European Turkish Democrats and in order to respond to the demands from all over the world, it has evolved into a world organization by changing its name to UID – Union of International Democrats with its 6th Ordinary General Assembly held in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 May 2018. UID will strengthen the relations of Turks and sister communities globally and establish closer economic, social and cultural relations.

Our Vision

Our vision is that people belonging to different nations, cultures or religions are individuals with equal rights, participating in all aspects of social life and shaping society.

In order to achieve this vision, UID is committed to supporting Turks and sister communities all over the world.
to support their integration into the society of the country in which they live. Respect for diversity and mutual understanding are at the heart of our institutional approach. Therefore, UID is committed to being a non-governmental organization that respects the needs and rights of the group it represents, eliminating prejudices and cooperating with different institutions around the world for the peace of society. UID acts as a bridge between Turkey and the countries in which it is active and provides added value to relations between countries.

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